Sunday, September 5, 2010

Getting ready for Fall

OK so before I post let me just say I'm so sorry I've been so slow with posting!! This will explain it. Also, I'm having issues with loading images again. It just isn't working! Hopefully you'll still like the post :)

Fall means a lot of things to your average person. Crunchy leaves beneath your feet, school, work, and just generally getting back into the swing of things.

But for us dancers, it means loads more!! It means new rehearsals, new classes, maybe a new level if you're in a graded training program, etc etc. This can add stress, but it also adds excitement. For me, and probably many others, it means AUDITIONS!!!! AHH!!!!

Do you remember my very first post, where I said I'd be auditioning to get into the Graded Program at this really prestigious school waaaaay in the future??!? WELL, that's now just one week away!!!! AHHH!!! In fact, less than a week because it's next Saturday. I've cramming in as many classes as possible so as t prepare. I'm really worried these people will be more advanced than me. I've only been doing it for about a year! How can I compete?? I need something to boost my confidence :/

So here's what to do to prepare for an audition:

~ Take as many classes as you can beforehand. Knowledge is power!

~ Make sure to keep stretching. You have enough to worry about without worrying about flexibility!

~ Know what you're auditioning for. Try and be as prepared as possible. Less surprises = Less stress.

So yeah, the audition stuff (and the fact that school starts in just a few days) has kept me suuuuuper busy and it's been difficult to get a moment to post. Plus, my laptop broke so I either have to use the computer at the library, like now, or my parents' when they let me.


<3 Besos! <3

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